20+ Cute Puppy Birthday Card.
It’s time for your birthday to feel amazing with cards that are full of art. Yeah … this time there is a birthday card using the all-round dog theme. Are you an adorable animal lover? yeah … you will see cards with a puppy birthday card with a variety of colors, shapes, designs and other variations. Many types of dogs as the main decoration of this card, ranging from dog type duncshund, chihuahua, cockapoo and other types. What is clear is the cards below are all made or printed using quality materials and have been measured according to consumer desires. Hopefully with the card below you get inspiration and hope you enjoy it …
Funny puppy card
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Funy puppy card is designed using a brown dachshund pet theme and its made with good picture quality. This card shows a dachshund that will bring a gift in the form of bones and the words “happy birthday” using a simple font. The design on this card looks perfect and adorable right?
Cute black dog birthday card
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Look at this simple card, designed using quality paper, paper that is used thick and made with a standard size. This card uses a light brown background with a cute black dog picture, the font on the writing on it is pretty good. This card is suitable to give to your friends.
Beagle brown card

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Beagle dog birthday card uses a perfect design. Using a yellow background makes this card look attractive and shining. This card shows an adorable beagle dog design using a blue hat, accompanied by a red envelope and the size of the card looks tiny … very suitable to be given on your little cousin’s birthday.
Black puppy card
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This card carries the cake and black dog theme. The images on this card are designed in high quality, using thick, soft paper, with standard sizes. This card shows a black dog who wants to eat a birthday rainbow cake on a chocolate table. has a good color combination that makes this card look perfect and adorable.i
Brown dog in frame card
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This brown dog in frame card uses a simple design, which uses a full orange background and is given a dog photo in the middle. Using high-quality prints … the size used is also not too big. This card uses a simple font that makes people like it!
Rousing birthday card
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Full pink rousing cards are made using high-quality paper. Having an attractive mix of card colors, white, yellow and pink, the decorations on this card are also very festive filled with rounded grains, small stars and lots of balloons. The front of the card shows three dogs that are anxious and decorated with various kinds of pictures. You will like it very much.
Simple cutie birthday card
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Complete your birthday by using this simple cutie card. This card is designed with a simple but adorable look, on the front of the card is shown images of many dogs that form a love shape, large size bones that read “Buddy”. This card is printed with good quality paper, its size has been adjusted and uses a simple design.
Big puppy birthday card
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Big puppy card using a white background has a simple and warm design. On the front of the card is a picture of a big puppy who wants to pick up a balloon … the dog’s position on the card looks adorable right? the important thing is this card printed with quality paper and great size.
Scottie dog birthday card
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This scottie dog card design uses the concept of hand painting. The image of Scottie dog is painted on a clean white card, using a standard card size. The design was painted using a mono spot background that made you interested and the gold foil text made embossed. Scottie dog will match your birthday.
Dog birthday card
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The cards are designed using a plain white background with attractive spots. On the front there is a picture of a cute dog using his red hat and a large text font that is clear enough to read. Cards are printed with good quality paper and are made in standard sizes.
Chihuahua smooth coated card
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This hand-painted concept card looks amazing. Simple design with standard size can make your birthday gift look special. This card uses a painting of a Chihuahua that is famous for its cuteness. You lovers of this type of dog will love this card.
Lucy dog card
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Lucy dog card is suitable for you lovers of original watercolor painting. Cute card design looks perfect with a lucy dog picture painted with watercolor painting. This card uses a soft white background and is accompanied by a blue envelope.
James dog card
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the james dog card is made using hand drawings, the background of this card uses a light blue color decorated with puppies with a balloon tied to the tail and it looks adorable, also uses unique and easy to read text fonts.
Pinky dog card
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This card with a cute picture design is made perfectly. Using a picture of a cute dog with his little hat that is wrapped in a text card “happy birthday”, has a standard size with other cards. The back layer of the image is filled with pink, which makes this card look pinky.
Pinky duchshund card
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It’s time dancshund sends your birthday present … a card with a duncshund image looks adorable … using winter clothes and sparkling stars around it makes this card look adorable and cantk. The card layer uses full pink color and is printed with very good quality.
Fabulous poo text card
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Cards are simply designed using text that contains funny but touching words. Printed with good quality cards and paper color combinations with the appropriate fonts. The theme used by this card impressed the recipient. lets check this fabulous card !
Cockapoo birthday card
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This card uses a beautiful card design. Made from quality materials, using soft colored layers, this card is decorated with a picture of a cockapoo dog and presents beside it, besides this card is also decorated with colorful flags and stripes on the edge of the card. And what makes this card look perfect is accompanied by a brown envelope.
Woofing you birthday card
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Your birthday this year will definitely feel perfect if you get this card. Yup, this card uses an amazingly artistic design. By using many color combinations, printed with high quality, the right size makes this card look amazing, amazing and full of art!
Funny dog birthday card
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This card is designed using a white background with a combination of army green. The picture used for the front of the card is a picture of a dog removing poop. The text used uses medium fonts so that it is easy to read. for those of you who like silly things … this card suits you.
Knitting craft card
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handmade concept cards are made by knitting, have a perfect design and use quality materials. The picture on the card carries the theme of dogs and parks, this card is filled with flowers and a dog … gives a simple and warm beautiful impression.
Little dog card
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The card is made using a nice drawing design, with a pink-beige background and a decoration of small dog pictures and colorful balloons. The text on the card is placed on the top of the card in the bone frame, on the edge of the card surrounded by various shapes making the card look funny, beautiful and simple.
Blue dogs card
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This card is made using a greenish-blue full background, using a variety of dog picture designs to make the card look attractive, the text on the front of the card makes this blue card sweet and doesn’t miss the brown envelope.
Cutie duchshund card
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This time the card uses an adorable dog-themed dachshund design, using a red hat and whistle. It’s like your dog wants to enliven your birthday.
Dog cards
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This card is designed by making a dog photo as a decoration for the front of the card. The picture of this dog shows how happy he is because the one caring for him will have a birthday. You must get this funny card!
Rocking dog cards
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Rocking dog cards carry the theme of rock n roll, the design is made very satisfying with the quality of the resulting image, the background of this card uses black and white grayish gray. The text on the part of the card is also easy to read.
Simple dog card
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This card with good text is printed with perfect quality paper, pictures and combinations. For those of you who are confused looking for a simple but impressive card … this card is the best …
Puppy party time
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cards are made using perfect vector designs. Puppy-themed party time cards in a lot of consumers’ attention. The dog on the front of the card makes people smile. This card is printed so perfectly that it is suitable for you to bring as a birthday present
Blackwhite dog card
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By using all-black and white themes, this card makes others want to have it. Simple design, touchy text, and made of good quality material. suitable for you dog lovers with black and white.
Cute dog stock card
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This picture was created with a perfect design, using colorful polka dot wrana decorations to make your cards look cheerful. Printed with good quality, thick and the right size.
Funny happy dog card
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The card is designed with an attractive appearance, the picture is made to look good with quality paper too. The combination of background colors and pictures of dogs carrying colorful balloons looks perfect. The decoration of the flag and the text inside it makes this card look stunning and amazing.
Girly fresh card
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the card is made very perfectly, using a good selection of images, beautiful colors, and perfect words. The picture used for this card section looks small, cute and adorable especially this dog uses a small pink ribbon.
Party dogs card
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This beautiful card carries the party dogs card theme. Designed with good quality images, the combination of pure white color as the background of the card is quite beautiful. And for the size and thickness can be insured to suit the tastes of consumers and make you feel the fun of these dog parties!
king dogs card
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This card carries the theme of King Dogs Card. Designed with a good quality card, a plain white color as the background of the card, for the size and thickness it can be ascertained according to consumer tastes.
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This card is made with a simple and easy concept. Printed with good quality pictures and words that can be read easily. The card also has a white envelope making it easier for you to give it.
Silly dog card
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Silly dog cards show pictures of dogs with their ridiculous behavior. This card is made for you who like to laugh at the silliness of dogs! using the best quality paper, the great size and the right combination.
Bright dog cards
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Brirght dog cards is filled with decoration and cute puppies, made with the best quality, combining the colors of images and text with extraordinary. Give this super amazing card to your friend puppy lovers.
Fun dogs card
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This card is very adorable, the card is printed perfectly. The design results for this card can be seen from the soft paper, clear images and easily read text. this card uses white as the background for the card.
Singing dog cards
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cards with good quality paper, thick and the right size are very suitable for your birthday party. This card uses a drawing design of a dog that is engrossed in singing, using a unique font and an elegant blend of colors and this card is equipped with a gray envelope.
Cheerful dog card
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cheerful dog cards are made with picture designs and perfect colors. Printed with the best quality, has a good rainbow color combination. This card shows a cheerful and lively little dog, giving the impression that your birthday party will be very lively and fun.
Woof card
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Cards are made using good material, attractive images and print well. On the front of this card there is a picture of a dog as if to say good wishes to you. This card uses a plain, pure white background and uses a nice font for the text above.
Thank you for seeing the puppy birthday card above … I hope you enjoy it …