The Instagram layout will give our social media display stunning. Especially for the content they shared. There are a lot of designs that could be chosen below.
Mega sale Instagram layout for the feeds
As you can see, this is an Instagram structure. There are some designs in squares that you can use it for feeds. Meanwhile, it has also different designs. So, you can create a 9×9 scale of the feeds on Instagram.
Instagram layout square for the holiday content
The design is on a white background. It might use for a holiday or traveling layout and template. Therefore, you can download the files from the link above. You should be in any editing tools to adjust your content.
A yellow square layout for Instagram’s feeds

The white and yellow Instagram format in a square scale. The file is included in the bundle package. So, you might download the file for any project. Then catch on the layout with the attractive content project you need.
A bundle package for the Instagram setup content
The square and rectangle layouts are on this file. You can download them for the Instagram project. It should be attractive and aesthetic design. Meanwhile, the file is already available to download from the link above.
An Instagram layout for the reels in traveling content
The long template of the Instagram layout is above. It is included in a pink color theme. Then the file is easy to download from the button above. So, it might choose to become more attractive on social media of you.
Instagram layout for the natural concept
The scale in the long format used to be on reel or story content. From this image, you can download it and adjust it with any content. Besides, you can download the file on the download button above. Adjust it with your project.
Cute Instagram design with colorful old style
This is pink color vibes for the social media content. Considering the format above, it used to be chill Instagram content. It might be suitable for the old or vintage project design. Download it to create an excellent project.
The 90’s vibes with a soft colorful design style
As you can see, this format is still in the pink color theme. You can have it to create a 90’s vibes project. Adjust the element project with the design later. Bring the designs and upload them to your social media.
The minimalist design with editable space
The picture above is in a minimalist and simple design. So, you can select it to be a template and format on social media. This is going to be easy to edit in any editing tool. Visit the link above to get the file.
The special color with awesome project design
A natural design concept is in this image. You can download it to be an amazing collection of social media formats. The more attractive layout, then more pleasing to see as well. Get the file from the download button above.
The brown Instagram format in aesthetic design
When you need the aesthetic social media form. Then this one might be a good option for you. It might have different designs for each scale. So, you can adjust the various design for them. Download the file from the button above.
PNG file with the blue color theme for social media
As can you see, this design is created for mega sale promotion. You can easily change the written on the form as you need. So, it will be an interesting post on your social media. Then click the download button to get the file.
A hand holds the Instagram setup for the best performance
This image is created to be the display image about your social media. As you can see, social media is in a good platform to reach your audience. Especially, if you are an influencer or online shop seller.
The white and blue background on the Instagram post
A good combination of colors is in this design. Meanwhile, it used to be a feed post template. While using all forms. Then you can get an awesome layout for your Instagram as well. Click the download button to have the file.
The great design on this square valentine’s day post
This layout is in Valentine’s day collection. It covered the blue background. So, you can give it to the boy or man that you loved. Considering the main concept. Then it might be an interesting post on the Instagram feeds.
The plain Instagram profile, home, and explore page
If you want to have attractive social media performance. Then you can also begin with the layout. You can choose the design theme according to the content. Adjust it with your social media branding concept.
The attractive concept for the social media profile
An Instagram layout will give impact the engagement. It will attract people to visit your account. Then you must select the best design as well. After getting the best collection. Edit it and adjust them with your content.
The beautiful design concept for a social media account
While you want to improve Instagram performance. Then you can get the creative layout as well. Considering the image above. So, you can download it to be the traveling media social in aesthetic design.
Soft color design for the Instagram layout idea
Based on the image above. It used to be girl layout content. Meanwhile, the scale is in square size. Then it can place as the Instagram feed. To get the perfect look, so you must adjust them. Find interesting content, as well.
The yellow and white color background layout
The square layout is in this image. There are some designs that you can choose for your account. It might awesome when you need the best performance. So, download the file from the available link on top.
Home and Instagram feed in plain layout
The picture above is easy to download. Go to the button and visit the link to look for the file. Then you must edit the details to adjust to your content. Besides, the picture can be the sample account on your website, too.
The dark and light profile account look
The dark and light content is on this layout image. Meanwhile, the other part is an original profile look. You can download the file from the button link above. It has different file types that you can choose as your need.
Marketing Instagram’s layout in aesthetic design
The amazing content is considering the main layout as well. So, you can pick this bundle form to edit. Adjust the content with the main design style. It will be an attractive thing to post on your social media, especially Instagram.
Sage green background in a modern and simple design
The picture above has an attractive but simple color theme. It was a sage green and army design concept. Meanwhile, there are three different design looks. So, you can still give different content on each image.
The job offering layout for an Instagram account
The last yellow picture is in a modern design style. Based on the sample, then you can choose it as the ad Instagram layout concept. After reading the details, then you might download it from the button link above.
Wish you get a suitable Instagram performance after scrolling down this page.