Transparent business cards are necessary when you have a business or even a job. By getting the information sign, then it will be promoting yourself as well. You can put some information on it. To get a good design. So, you must pick the template according to your taste or the business type itself. This post will provide you with various choices based on the criteria you need.
A transparent business card with a hand
Business cards have many variations of design. One of them is a transparent business card as in the image above. As you can see, this design has simple things as the main concept. So, you just need to put important information on top of your card.
Printed business cards in transparent design
In the picture above, you will find an attractive design. This is a transparent business card with a minimalist modern style. If you want to directly edit the template. So, you can click the download button above to visit the website that provides this design.
The blue basic color with a transparent information card

You can read the specifications of this business card on the download link page above. There are detailed descriptions that can help you create your design. So, you only need to adjust to your business needs. Surely an attractive design is a must.
A glass transparent sign with the golden tint
if you are a graphic designer for any project. So, this image is the right design for you. Based on the example, you can use this to create a display image on your business website. All you need to do is edit it as attractively as possible according to your style.
A deviser electronic business card in translucent mode
Transparent card models are still the main topic on this page. Meanwhile, you can use this card design as inspiration for your idea. Even more so if you visit the link page above. Then there will be important information about the design of the sample.
The elegant card in castle royale design type
If you look at this picture. Then the first thing that comes to mind is probably how elegant the design is. So, if you work in a place that matches the design of the example above. Then there is no need to hesitate to make a business card according to the above style.
The display image of the business card transparently
This is another example of a transparent card design. What’s more, the cards have a style that is suitable for displaying on your website. If you have a business in design. Maybe this is a suitable product for you to download and customize according to your design style.
The different card designs in one picture
The image above has a different design base. There are white, frosted, and even transparent. Those all are in this card design. So, all you need to do is download this template and edit it according to your style. This one will be perfect for you to use as an ID given to your co-workers.
The soft card design for the company identity
if you get bored with the ordinary business card. Then creating a transparent type will be the choice as well. This image is one of the sample designs for the card. Meanwhile, it has soft color combinations that you can adjust with your design style. It can be a template to create the transparent card, too.
The green and transparent with a hand holding it
In this picture, two images are samples of card designs. Moreover, the existing basic colors are so simple and neutral. Then you can use this for any purpose. What’s more, you can download the card on the link page above this description.
A woman hand with the transparent business card
For this one image, it has a transparent plastic base material. As for the writing, it uses holographic gold foil. So, the design of this card will display the elegance of its design. Perhaps this card will be suitable for use by people who have a sense of simple but elegant design.
The card production design is transparent type
Here’s another example of your business ID. There is no need for a complicated design as a brief identifier for the business. If you need this design. Then you can visit the link page above to download or read the detailed image caption.
The white basic with the translucent design identity
White color always gives an interesting impression to a simple design. The following image is one example of that type. As for the basic style, it is still with a transparent design. So, this will make your business card even more attractive.
An oval identity design for your business
If you’re bored of rectangular shapes for a business cards. So, this one will refresh your design choices. As you can see, this card is oval with transparent mode. So, even though it is simple, it will give a good impression on your business partners.
Beautiful color on the business sign design
The colors on this card will be so suitable for you as a working woman. As you can see, the pink base color is part of the design of this card. Don’t worry, you can still customize the colors to your preferences. Because this design is not only for women.
Transparent business cards in a flowery style
The paper clips with a rectangle business card
A wooden background on this design style
Frosted transparent business cards collection
Here we are still with the card design. This is a business card with an elegant black background image. So, you can download it to edit according to your style. You can also only edit the content on the card template.
A hand with the rectangular card shape
As you can see, this is a good design for an identity card. Meanwhile, the picture above included a hand holding the card. So, it might be good for you to create a display image. Get it and edit it according to your style.
Transparent business card in panorama background
You don’t need a complicated design for a business card. The image above can be a great inspiration for you. If you want a simple but interesting thing. Maybe this is a good option for you. Adjust it to the content that you can fill on it.
The design of the business card wet display image
If you see this picture. Then, you will find some splashes of water that make the image look wet. So, it will make this card attractive. Maybe this design will be so suitable for you to display on your design business page as well.
A board for the background of transparency card
A purple image design for a business card
When you feel confused about getting an interesting business card. Then this image may be your solution as well. As you can see, the purple color is so attractive. This used to be an elegant but the pretty card in one design.
View background of the transparently sign ID
A business will need the card to be its ID. So, you must little bit confuse while finding the best one. Moreover, there are various designs that you can choose. This design might be your simple solution about the card.
After looking at the various designs. Hope you can download the templates and create the best design for your company or business.